
Doctor Who School

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Hybrid Sec: Aged 18. He's quite popular amongst the school students (and so many people have a crush for him, even though he doesn’t realize it or if he does he doesn't know what to do about it).  He's also on the school's sports team (pick which sport)

Doctor: Aged 18 (this is in human years by the way so convert that in Time Lord if you want).  He's one of the popular guys at school and though like Sec has the attention of one or two females, he has eyes only for one. Yes the lovely, blonde Bad Wolf lol. He's on the athletics team.

Rose Tyler: Aged 17. She's the popular girl of the school. She's got guys attracted to her (cough, Mickey, Cough) but she has eyes only for our dear Time Lord. She's back on the school gymnastics club, her specialty; the rope swing lol.

Mickey Smith: Aged 18 Hangs around with Rose and the Doctor but only because of Rose. He's into the computer club as well as engineering etc. (guess why).

Martha Jones: Aged 17. A little bit of a loner but not as much as Chantho. She mainly tries to keep Chantho company but mainly hangs around with her small bunch of Hath friends. (Cuase you also know that Hath liked her a little)

Donna Noble: Aged 19 (she looks a lot older than the Doctor or is that me?). She doesn’t really have a group to hang around with, as she talks and is friends with nearly everyone and so doesn’t really need a group of close friends.

Dalek Jast (In dalek form): Aged 21 (again in human years) He isn’t in the school but he helps sort out some of the problems which Sec and his friends get into. This includes helping Thay, Lev and her friends understand about going from the little primary school to the big secondary one to helping Sec keep his commander status up without becoming too human or too dalek (Sec's got to blend in hasn’t he ;))

Dalek Caan (in dalek form): Aged 16 ½ (human years people). He's one of the school bullies you could say. But however before you get too anti him, he does however take good care of his 'family'. He'll beat anyone up who hurts little Thay and his friends as is the same for Sec. He'll pick on the Doctor as much as he can as well as Rose and Mickey (reminding him he's the tin dog). He tries to annoy Sarah Jane but she soon tells him where to stick it. He really picks on Adam for getting kicked out of the Doctor and Rose's friendship group for being an idiot (and for buggering him science project up and getting a permanent forehead which opens).  What everyone doesn’t realize however is his small crush on Chantho (which is strange for a dalek)

Hybrid Thay: Aged 10  (need I say it again?)

Lev: Aged 9 ½

Kat: Aged 9

Eleanor: Aged 9

Sam: Aged 9

Rose: Aged 9

Katie Chui: Aged 16

Ood Sigma: Aged 18

Cyberman: Age is unknown due to being made from metal. One of Caan's bully sidekicks but is rather stupid. Diagoras is also the other side kick of Caan.
The Master: Aged 18. He picks on the Doctor more than Caan does but he and Caan also fight. He'll mainly aim for the Doctor or Martha in a fight. Both though always then team up to sort him out.

Jennie: Only a few months old (well she is the doctor's daughter so) (yet to be decided if she will actually be in it)

Lucy (not quite Saxton): Aged 17 ½. She's the Master's girlfriend. He flirts with other girls but would be totally lost without Lucy, who backs him up with everything.

Chantho: Aged 16. She tends to hang out on her own as she's a little new to the school. She talks to Rose but doesn't really hang around with her. Same goes for Martha and Donna as well as others. She also helps Caan sort out his feelings towards people even if she doesn’t realize the romantic ones are aimed at her.

Davros: Age- Unknown. He works as a science teacher in the school and nobody knows how old he is. (Hey someone has to be a teacher)

Professor Yana: Age is also unknown as he's not really meant to exist as the Doctor and the Master both point out on their first day back at school. He teaches English and sometimes History, only if the Face of Boe is having some problems
Face of Boe: again age is unknown but he teaches History when he's up to it.

Characters whose info is not well known

Mad: Age- Unknown

Herthatdraws: Age- Unknown

Fishy: Age- Unknown  

Mongy: age- Unknown

Other who have yet to be introduced (I fear there's some people I've left out so if you comment and I recognize you I'll add you in ^^;)

All in all

Sec's little group: Includes Caan, Jast, Thay (when he's not of playing with Lev and her friends) and sometimes the Doctor's little group to

Doctor's group: Rose Tyler, Mickey smith, Sarah Jane, K9 (can't forget him), Jack Hawkness (who is followed around by Gwen, Owen, tosh and Ianto but the Doctor and co don’t really talk to them) and sometimes Sec and Thay to.

Martha's group: most of the time Martha is on her own, unless she's with Chantho or Donna or both. She also tends to hang out a bit with some of the Hath to. (You knew they had to be in there)
Yes I'll be using things in English because Doctor Who is English. I can't remember who it was I was talking to but I remember saying something about the Doctor Who crew being in school. I thought I'd write it down because I have so many things running through my head and can't do anything because I have too many ideas. This isn’t really going to go anywhere as whoever I was talking to I think is going to do something about it but I need as I said to map something out……oh wait I found who I was talking to. It was :iconherthatdraws:. It was her adorable picture here [link] . Hope you don’t mind me mapping something out. I'll gladly take it down if you want me to :).

So as I said, this is more of a sneak prieview of what i'm working on. I'll only be doing background info and maybe for fun a short one piece about it (though I doubt it'll be finished for another 60 or so years). That is also because i dont know wheather or not :iconherthatdraws: is doing anything for it or not.

So i'm not sure who owns what but at the moment I'll say :iconherthatdraws: owns the Doctor Who school thing as she did draw the picture which inspired it.

Doctor Who- (c) BBC
© 2008 - 2024 Buchanchem
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animaillady32's avatar
Since Mickey and Martha end up being married don't you think this should happening of them hooking up?